06 Mar How can we move DE&I forward in 2023?
How can we move DE&I forward in 2023? 5 priorities
We are so privileged to do research and offer our advisory services to organizations in an area that we are so passionate about: equality, diversity, and inclusion. From our extensive studies and professional practice we have identified 5 main priorities for DE&I in 2023 that need to be addressed by organizations if they want to create the inclusive workplaces that they desire.
#1 Leaders must link DE&I efforts to the strategy, vision, and mission of the company.
DE&I is not just a nice thing to have, and surely it is not just an event organized once or twice a year around major ED&I landmarks. ED&I needs a coherent strategy, stakeholder groups, processes, structures, and metrics that will facilitate accountability and ensure the implementation of DE&I plans. Without a strategy, no one can ensure the sustainability of ED&I efforts.
#2 Understand where you are by conducting a DE&I Maturity Assessment.
Without knowing your starting point how can you design for the future? There are many tools and assessments for understanding your current situation, both in terms of diversity and in terms of inclusion and leveraging of differences that could be used to set a benchmark and start planning for your inclusive future.
#3 Mental health, well-being, and employee thriving should empower all ED&I efforts.
The pandemic highlighted how important is not only our physical health but also our mental health and our well-being at work, issues which had been largely ignored so far. Leaders need to develop programs that address employees’ mental health and promote well-being for all according to their individual needs. Only then people will feel comfortable discussing their mental health and their challenges and seek help when necessary.
#4 DE&I is not only about individual and organizational changes but also about structural changes
How can we as leaders and organizations contribute meaningfully to the design of structures and systems to promote fairness and equality and address the root causes of inequality? Can organizations start by examining and challenging existing power structures and systems that perpetuate inequities and work to create more equitable policies and practices?
#5 DE&I is about building muscle
Many leaders and people managers understand the DE&I imperative, however, often struggle with the self-awareness and commitment needed to catalyze change in their organizations. DE&I is underpinned by the development of inclusive leadership and responsible allies and the empowering of people managers to have difficult conversations that make people feel unique, visible, and valued.
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